Make sure your shop front and interior structures are sound during and after refurbishment
Commercial premises need frequent refurbishment to make them attractive for customers and practical. If you’re planning a retail refurbishment, it is recommended that you get a structural inspection carried out to make sure that the integrity of the building is good before starting any work.
Depending on the type and scale of the refurbishment, you may be required to apply for Building Regulations approval and you may be required to submit structural assessments and designs.

Structural Retail Refurbishment
Our structural engineers are qualified to carry out extensive structural surveys prior to retail refurbishment or shop refitting work, including:
- Changing the use of a building
- Structural member renewal
- Underpinning and foundation work
- External structural changes
Make sure that your retail refurbishment work does not adversely affect the structure and that you comply with building regulations. Contact one of our engineers today to discuss your project.